Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This is a Story of a Girl....

no wait, its a story of a boy....wait no...its a story of....whatever (if you have no clue what I'm talking about click here)

This past weekend, I traveled back to my stomping grounds...BRANSON! It was a much needed and too long over due vacation. On my way down to Branson, I stopped in Rolla to see Deverest and her family. They bought a 'farm', for a lack of better words, right before I moved back to Chicago. So I stopped by to see what it looked like with people living there. (Again, if you have no clue what I'm talking about, click here. I did a photo shoot awhile back and part of the shoot was taken at the 'farm' before anyone moved in.)

These are my adventures of Rolla.

PS as much as I would like to say I'm the outdoorsy type, the pictures and videos beg to differ.

Jorin and Jantzen holding Polish Chickens, even though they were hatched in the US

Climbing a Hay Mountain looking for a DUMB killer cat

Chickens are better eaten then held

I also decorated Easter Eggs, played frisbee, hung out with Old Spice (a steer), learned the difference between and bull and a steer (trust me its not pretty, but to sum it up it involves cheerios....or something like that) and rested up to make the final 2 1/2 hour drive to Branson. That was Rolla!

Unfortunately, my batteries died and I forgot to check if I had a memory card so there are no pictures or videos from the rest of the trip. Sad I know. But, it is not to go unmentioned. After arriving home, I went straight to the movies and saw the new Miley Cyrus movie, The Last Song. Don't judge me, I was forced to go! That same night I pushed a car up a hill in the pouring rain to jump it because my dates, yes that is plural, forgot to turn their lights off prior to the movie. Then I spent all day with Josie (my G-ma) on Saturday buying, or should I say searching for a new suit.(For my Mission. more to come in the next post) If you know Josie then you will understand that before we bought anything we had to check where it was the cheapest...and then we had to double check. Leave it to Josie! I spent that night with some friends in Springfield and went to the morning session of General Conference on Sunday at The Institute. Then I was invited to the Warnock's for Easter dinner and second session because Big Al and Josephine ditched me for Disneyland. To finish off such and excellent weekend I had lunch with Rhonda and Anna before I made the 8 hour trek back to The Windy City.

It was so nice to see everyone one again, the trip was long over due. I can't wait till I can go back, which should be soon. Thank you to everyone that worked around their schedules to see me and for accommodating me. Love and missed you all.


ps. Dev sorry if I spelled your siblings names wrong, correct me please!

pss. sorry for all of those I wasn't able see

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