So a little update from my health status from last week. And this you can put on the list. **note: I will spare a majority of the details because they're pretty nasty**
So Monday night, the pain was not subsiding and some other symptoms occurred, that probably shouldn't have. Anyways, we called Hna. Walker and she told us to go straight to the hospital. so....I spent from Monday night to late Thursday afternoon in the hospital in downtown Monterrey. I still don't know what i have/had. when we left the hospital my "samples" were still being tested. One thing i don't know is that i have ulcers, not fun and very painful.
side story: My grandpa served his mission in the Mexico North Mission. At the time he was serving in Monterrey when he fell ill. Unfortunately, he was sent home because he was so sick. I think somebody (Lucifer) doesn't want Jensen's in Monterrey. Well in the words of Josie(my grandma) "That's just to bad" and "Tough Luck Mister!" because I'm here to stay. (I was a little scared of getting sent home because they couldn't find what was wrong with me)
But I'm happy to say that I'm doing betting the pain has stopped. and I'm back in the field. the only bad thing is that I have been put on a super special/ super strict diet! My diet consist of ONLY these things:
2. Veggies - carrots and Potatoes
I cant eat anything with sugar, salt, oil, grease, fiber or anything else with flavor. I would be totally fine if it was for a couple days a week max....but i have this diet for 1 MONTH..hopefully to clean out my system.
I am really thankful for the sisters and families here that have helped with this new "problem" I have. they try so hard to make it taste good or different with out breaking the rules.
love you all miss you much.Know that Our Heavenly Father knows and loves you individually.
We'll see what this next week has in store.
Elder Browning
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