so yes we have another thing to put on the wonderful list of missionary life. for those of you just joining in..... this is where we are at with my list.
and now....
4. Yesterday I got a injection in my butt
Now to clarify/explain some things. Not really sure exactly when it happened but late last week (wed/thurs) I wasn't feeling the greatest. Nothing looked appetizing and I was going in and out of hot/cold flashes. It wasn't until yesterday that I threw in the towel. To start I woke up with a migraine, a fever, and an unbearable pain in stomach. But I trucked on. I took a couple ibuprofen and went to church. (I didn't want to miss it because it was stake conference and we were having a general authority). Well later at dinner was when i called it quits. I couldn't eat, I was sweating up a storm but i was freezing cold, and the migraine continued to control the better half of my brain (coincidentally the half of my brain that knows my Spanish). So needless to say the day wasn't going very well. i had my companion call Hermana Walker the Mission Presidents wife (shes the medic of the mission) and told us to go to the doctor.

so this is what we did. and let me tell you what....Doctors here are day and night difference than the ones in USA. The doctors office was in the bottom floor of a house. and the doctor asked me my symptoms and i couldn't answer 1. because he mumbled and 2. the MIGRAINE! So i would look at my Mexico-native non English speaking companion, and the only thing he could do was speak slower and more clearly which didn't help. so there was a game of charades instituted, and the doctor prescribed me some drugs and we called Hermana Walker and she said it was OK to take them. well, one of these medications was a shot for the pain in my stomach. but when you buy the shot you only buy the liquid you have to buy the syringe separate. so i bought it, and when the lady gave i to me a was shocked at the size and thickness. It was about 3-4 inches and the thickness of a toothpick. when i went back to the doctor to receive my shot my companion smiled and said "Tenga Divertido" meaning have fun! Well me being naive in this new world, known as Mexico i thought that because the pain was in my stomach i would get the shot in the stomach, which made sense from the size of the needle. well....I was wrong....dead wrong! remembering me the doctor continued our game of charades and said 'pompis'. well i still don't know many words in Spanish other than church vocab but i knew the meaning of pompis. awkward! and painful!

so this is what we did. and let me tell you what....Doctors here are day and night difference than the ones in USA. The doctors office was in the bottom floor of a house. and the doctor asked me my symptoms and i couldn't answer 1. because he mumbled and 2. the MIGRAINE! So i would look at my Mexico-native non English speaking companion, and the only thing he could do was speak slower and more clearly which didn't help. so there was a game of charades instituted, and the doctor prescribed me some drugs and we called Hermana Walker and she said it was OK to take them. well, one of these medications was a shot for the pain in my stomach. but when you buy the shot you only buy the liquid you have to buy the syringe separate. so i bought it, and when the lady gave i to me a was shocked at the size and thickness. It was about 3-4 inches and the thickness of a toothpick. when i went back to the doctor to receive my shot my companion smiled and said "Tenga Divertido" meaning have fun! Well me being naive in this new world, known as Mexico i thought that because the pain was in my stomach i would get the shot in the stomach, which made sense from the size of the needle. well....I was wrong....dead wrong! remembering me the doctor continued our game of charades and said 'pompis'. well i still don't know many words in Spanish other than church vocab but i knew the meaning of pompis. awkward! and painful!

Well this morning i woke up in more pain then yesterday, so we called hermana walker again and she said she was going to call the area doctor. well she told us that i shouldn't be talking the pills the doctor prescribed and i had to get other ones. so long story short. my shot WAS FOR NOTHING! other than the experience.
Also as another side note my visit with the doctor, "prescription" medication and shot cost me 150 pesos or roughly $12. take about shady.....
good news....I'm still alive
bad news...I'm still in a ton of pain. when i eat i hurts more, when i stand it hurts, when i sit it hurts, when i lay down it hurts. there is no escaping this pain I'm in. hopefully the new drugs will help.
Elder Browning
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