Monday, August 20, 2012

ya me voy y ya soy viejito!

(I'm leaving and man, I'm getting old) translation for title

so I'm getting transferred to Harlingen. I'll be in the same stake as far as church is concerned but a different zone in the mission. Its one of the smaller zones in the mission, but I hear many great things about it. A lot of people were sad that I was leaving, but were happy to know that I would be in the same stake. I love Brownsville and it will be sad to leave tomorrow, but I feel that I found those people that were waiting for me. I can leave my area feeling proud and accomplished. Now its time for a new adventure and the best part is....I GET TO BE A SOCCER MOM! We are the only missionaries that have a mini van. Because we have to do a lot of running around and transporting things of missionary nature, for some reason we weren't given a truck but a minivan and I couldn't be happier. it will bring me back to the days when i had the Montana.....awwww que lindos aquellos tiempos.....

now to explain the second part of the title. so as i was going around and taking pictures with everyone yesterday. I came to realize that I'm getting old. You can start to see creases in my face from smiling so much. it was just weird to look at the pictures i took and say...hey, who is that guy? we'll see if the computers in Harlingen are any better. 

thats about it! I Love You All!

love, Elder Browning!

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