Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Did I skip a week?

So I apologize profusely for not writing y'all last week....se me olvido...oops. we got back into the car and I was like....I didn't write my family, sorry...

so first things first the apartment address

We went to McAllen today for our Zone Leader Counsel.

One thing I noticed is that since I have left all of our friends come into town more often, did I stink or something?

All is well here in Harlingen, Texas. Not a lot of difference between being a Zone Leader and a District Leader, just more paper work and meetings. When I got here our area wasn't doing so great but in the short 2 weeks I've been here we have flipped things around and we are on an upbeat. We have a really big area and tons of members to work with. The only minor flaw in all of it is that we have to chauffeur 4 other missionaries around, which takes a HUGE hit our of schedule, especially on P-Day. So P-day are mostly spent running around and waiting for other missionaries as they shop. Oh the joys of  being a Zone Leader......

Yesterday we had 7 investigators at church. NEW RECORD! and our of those 7, four will be getting baptized in the next few weeks. Its super excited to being in a different environment and work with different people. Yes, I do miss the member and people of Brownsville, but I'm making new friends and relationships here in Harlingen.

One SUPER cool thing that we found out today at Zone Leader Counsel is that in November we will have our Mission Tour, when a general authority comes down and we have a big conference. This year we will be meeting as an entire mission, usually they split up the mission and do it in sessions, but this year it will be all the missionaries in one spot for the first time in mission history. Now you thought that was cool, hear this, part of this year's tour all the Zone Leaders will have a special training with the general authority the day before and we will all be interviewed by him. What?!?!? How cool is that?!

That's about it from the south! Its hot and it keeps getting hotter, though they say its going to end soon. I'm doing well and getting accustomed to my new surroundings, which has been hard since I'm not driving nearly as much. My comp is a car hog. Ni modo!

Love you!

-Elder Browning

ps. one of the elders in the zone is from the Naperville stake. He went to Waubanoise. His name is Elder Whittington. Crazy Huh?

Marly the Puppy

Elder Dungan and the Villarreal Family

'If you could hie to Kolob' done by a member in our area

Elder Carlisle
Elder Greenland

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