Monday, September 24, 2012

She did some sort of voodoo black magic on my head!

yes, I know weird title but let me tell you of the experience I had today as I got my haircut. Normally, I cut my own hair but I loaned out my clippers to some other missionaries and my companion wanted a haircut as well. So, we decided to go to the barbers and get a little trim. My companion referred me to a shop that he has been to before and said that he was in and out in like 10 mins. I didn't believe him for a second, but little did I know. We went in, I told the lady what I wanted and Boom! it was done. I have never seen anyone cut hair so fast and she even did the top with scissors. I walked out of there stunned at the speed and agility of this hair cutting fiend.

Man this week flew by!

I don't have a lot to say. We got Edgar confirmed yesterday as well he received the priesthood. We had Zone Conferences on Friday and I gave my FIRST training as a Zone leader. At the end President told me he was impressed and very proud of the work that I did. That is SUPER CRAZY AWESOME COOL to hear that Zach will be packing up his things and heading out to California. One of my MTC teachers served there, but in the Spanish Speaking Mission. Our focus this month at Zone Conference was on the Book of Mormon. It was so cool and super spiritual to hear and learn so much detail about the coming about of the Book of Mormon. President wrote up a Mock Trial trying the testimonies of the 3 witnesses. It was super cool.

Send everyone my love.

The one and only (but not for long)
Elder Browning

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