Monday, September 10, 2012

We had a cold front come in

and when I say cold front, I mean like upper 80's lower 90's and man has it felt good. It got here last night and I have been enjoying every minute of it. If our area wasn't so dang big we would ride our bikes all week. but because of time and size we cant do that.

So think week we had our bumps in the road. We were trying to apply some of the new principles that we have learned recently however, we focused too much of our time in one area and left other areas out to dry, if you will. And because we weren't reaching our goals for the week, we got a little stressed out and started getting a little snappy with each other which didn't make for the best end of the week experience. And because we weren't getting along we didn't have the spirit, and because we didn't have the spirit we didn't teach by the Lord's way, therefore we didn't see a ton of success this week. Spiritual Lesson and summary of the week all wrapped up into one this week. who could have thought that it could happen? It was also a very humbling experience, trying not to blame my companion and picking out his faults but rather do some introspection and figure out what I can do, to work better with my companion. From doing so I was able to love my companion even more in times of difficulty and not seeing eye to eye.

and one me thing. I FINISHED CLEANING THE APARTMENT! I've kind of turned into a clean freak while being out here....i think i have OCD, but that's besides the point. Anyways back to the apartment. Every apartment I get to I've done an overhaul in cleaning. Fortunately enough the apartments have been fairly new so there hasn't been a ton of stuff as well as there have been other missionaries to help me clean. The apartment I live in now is a tiny one bedroom/one bath 2 man aprtment that the church has rented out for YEARS, I'm talking about decades. So when I got here I had a hay day. I've been throwing things out left and right, some stuff dating back to the early 2000's....FINALLY, this morning I cleaned out the Fridge. a Feat only fit for champions and I live to tell the tale. Now I can sleep peacefully and happily.

Love you whomever receives this 

Elder Browning

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