¡Espero que todos pasaron un buen año nuevo¡
So again not a ton happened this week. We have finally gotten back on track with teaching now that the holidays are over. Transfers came and went and me and my companion are still here. which means, my companion, Elder Heredia, will "die" in Fresnos 1. After this transfer he goes home and i will get a new companion (most likely, i´m going to say yes because they usually don't like the whole solo missionary thing)
Anyways, we had another baptism this week which is great because the goal of the mission is to baptize every week. Its been pretty difficult because we don't want just a number so its hard to plan a baptism every week. but other than that we've been hard at work. we were visiting with one of our investigating families this past week and we asked how their reading of the Book of Mormon was going. everyone said they had not read it except the youngest daughter, she is 10. when we asked her what she learned she said that the passage talked about Jesus. which she was right, my companion started to follow up but she cut in to finish what he was saying. she shared with us that her teacher told here that all books are the same but she said that she knew that the Book of Mormon was different, it talked about Jesus and his teaching and she knew that it could change her life as well as her family´s and she knew that this book would bring them closer together. this all came from a 10 year old girl who read 1 chapter in the Book of Mormon. now i know why we need to become as children as we come closer to the lord.
so i do have a few funny stories this past week.
1. Tuesday we went to our comida appointment as we do everyday. The family we were eating with is a little bit wealthier than the rest and comidas with this family are usually 3-4 courses. our first course was a soup. it looked like a soup that I've had before so i started eating/drinking it. but there was one thing different about this soup, it smelled fishy yet as i "surveyed the scene"(BSA/life guarding term...sorry i thought it was funny....) i could detect no fish. so i continued to enjoy my soup. as we finished the meal we were talking with the sister and she began to ask us what types of foods we like and dislike. I told her that i did not like fish and anything from the sea. she then asked me if i enjoyed the soup i said a i did and she then told me it had fish in it. i suddenly turned green then she explained to my companion that it was tiburon (or shark). needless to say i turned a little greener. i am happy to say that i did not throw up or complain. i simply said thank you and am going to be very cautious as to what i eat in the future.

2. NEVER did i think that i would have to use my boy scout skills the way i did and with the materials i used. So today, yesterday or some other day (not really sure) our fridge broke. the door doesn't shut and our food is not staying cold. so this morning i started to construct an ´invention´ as my companion says. I made a rope out of grocery bags and a hanger. it looks like a makeshift grappling hook. but as of now its doing the job.

miss and love you all,
Elder Browning
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