Monday, December 31, 2012

It's over

Who would have known that the year would have passed that fast. Now it's over and tomorrow we start a new year with new goals and aspirations. I wish you all the best as we analyze the things we did, or perhaps did not so well in the past year and encourage us to make and set goals that will help us reach the potential that our Heavenly Father wees us becoming!

We reached our December goal of 10 as a Zone yesterday and I am so happy for all the service and ganas that all the members of the zone gave this month. We finished the month and year strong and now we are setting our eyes to the future. On Friday we set goals for February! HOLY COW! and, again, we welcome in January tomorrow. It's absolutely amazes me how fast time really flies and how much time we really don't have. We as a mission, and I personally, are super excited for the goals we have set for the year 2013. We have set out to baptize 1200 children of our Heavenly Father! It's quite the feat but we are all super excited to work at the side of the Master in His vineyard. This past year was a difficult year for most. I have learned un MONTON! (a lot) and the crazy thing is that I will continue learning everyday and hopefully I will continue changing to become better.

Oh! I remember something that happened this week...I got my toenails taken out! I was having a problem with one of my toenails and it growing in wrong so I went to the doctor and the doctor more monkeys jumping on the bed (there are the dang monkeys again)... no but really she said that my toes grew funny and that I would have problems all my life if she didn't take them out. So I said to take them out! and out they went and now I have wrapped little piggies that won't be going to the market anytime soon. But I'm still alive and to tell you the truth they don't even hurt.

Also one last thing and this is more for the Jensens (Big Al and Josie) so my companion and I gave our talks last week and we said we were from Chicago. So yesterday one of the sister in the ward came up and started to ask which ward we were from and we told her and she wasn't familiar with any of here's the cool part. I asked her how long ago and which ward was she from and she said that she moved here 5 years ago and was in the Hyde Park ward. So then I asked her if she remembered President Jensen (and for some reason people confuse Grandpa with someone else) and she said yes and then she asked how Josie's wrists were and then I knew she knew my Grandparents because I am only aware of one lady that has 'claws' and that's my Grandma! Her name is Sister. Umar....I think I will get a picture with her family next week.

Welp! That's it folks! Thanks for your prayers, thoughts and love! I wish you the very best where ever the Lord may take you in this wonderful new year!

Love you,
Elder Browning

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